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An excellent Introductory course for starting your new role as a manager. Straightforward & Sound advice with practical insights and common sense approach to be successful in your new role as a manager.
Defining management, skills required, management style, importance of a good beginning
Setting goals, project management, ensuring staff development, first staff appraisal
Importance of preparation, self-analysis, making an action plan, reconnaissance, thinking about day one
Addressing the needs of the team, the individuals and the task, organisational structure, involving and empowering people, manager's role as catalyst
Consider staff expectations, actions to take immediately, your first staff meeting, tackling your first real issue, establishing the ground rules, authority and discipline, positioning yourself as manager, communications
Short-term vs. long-term objectives, manager's role as agent for change, activity cycle to build on success
Balancing the interests of different parties, credit the team but ensure your credibility, motivation, importance of a consistent approach to management
Keeping the overall management process in mind, managing people - key issues, never rely on good luck
This course will help you translate into practice all the managerial skill sets to excel. This course is also useful for the existing managers to refresh their skills.
Management, management tasks, manager v specialist, transition, specialist to manager, role conflict
Leadership, leader's values, leadership activities, setting direction, aligning the team, motivating & inspiring
Principles, the supertanker syndrome, checklist, applications, the planning cascade, mission/ strategies/objectives, how to set a good objective, the evidence challenge, why set objectives?
Control & motivation, correcting errors, disciplining, appraising, review timetable, incident file, the appraisal interview.
Personal goals (exercise), job map (exercise), job mapping on the job, objectives (exercise)
Organizing time (principles, key goals, instruments, time-savers), organizing work (job descriptions, job specifications, job maps), making decisions
It's more than just a course. The training takes you through simple yet effective solutions containing a wealth of practical information to help busy executives & Managers manage their time better.
Working with your boss, being part of a team, handling interruptions, assertion, saying 'No', asking for help
Job clarification, procrastination, setting priorities, estimating time, planning.
Dealing with paper, filing, tips for the regular traveler/working on the move
Prime time, taking control, problem solving, mind mapping, making decisions, stress
Listening, handling the phone, e-mail, reading, writing, meetings, chairing meetings
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
A training program to give you insight into decision making process. Speed of decision & risk reduction are critical for success for yourself & for the organizations. This training program takes you through a practical & pragmatic approach, showing how to ensure management by design rather than chance.
What is a decision, what is not, key components, why some decisions are harder, benefits of adopting the right approach, common errors
Individuals vs groups, The Herrmann Brain Theory, group dynamics, characteristics of decision-makers, measuring consensus
A seven-step approach: define, understand, identify, evaluate, prioritize, review and take action
Communicating the what and the how, structuring your argument
A review of the analysis options available, including: decision trees, influence and Venn diagrams, probability analysis, scenario planning, risk analysis and matrices.
Essentials of decision-making, benefits of effective decision-making, tips, build the argument
A complete course showing how to make meetings more effective, as a participant, executive or as a manager. All of you will benefit from this straightforward training program.
The costs, opportunities and dangers
Group motivation, how much discussion
Why and who?, objectives and agenda, timing, environment, equipment, punctuality, frequency
Minutes: purpose, layout, distribution
Rules of procedure for more formal meetings
Role of leader, promoting discussion, dealing with conflict and challenges, handling disorder
Why attend?, rules of good communication, preparation and delivery
Summary and checklist
In today's hyper-competitive business climate, managers who help employees achieve their individual potential stand to get-and stay-ahead.
This program offers new and seasoned managers the essential training they need to achieve more, both personally and professionally. The training is designed to provide practical strategies and tips to help you get ahead.What's something exciting your business offers? Say it here.